PDF Text Extractor

Download Link (EXE File):  PDF Text Extractor
Click here to see the program on GitHub.

Version 2.0 is the same concept as version 1.0, aside from version 2.0 uses the pdfminer library instead of the tika library. Tika was producing an error when the Apache server didn’t spin up fast enough upon startup.

PDF Text Extractor is a program that I wrote for a local company. The company receives orders from customers, in .pdf form. The text has to be manually transferred to place the actual order, which suffers the risk of a typo not to mention being very time consuming. A solution was requested to not only speed up the process but to also eliminate the possibility of a manual error.

How it works!

PDF Text Extractor will scan the current directory and open all of the files with the .pdf extension. It will use tika to unpack the encoded .pdf files and extract out the contents. The extracted contents are then formatted using the specified ‘name TAB title’ and printed to a single output file. The program will ask the user for a desired name for the output file, but if none is given then the program will default to _output.txt.

PDF Text Extractor is written in Python 3.7

Combine txt

Download Link (EXE File):  Combine txt
Click here to see the program on GitHub.


Combine txt is a program that I wrote for a local company. The company receives hundreds of text files with one or two names in each file. The request was for a solution to speed up the process of having to manually open each file and paste the names into a single text file.


How it works!


Combine txt will scan the current directory and open all of the files with the .txt extension. It will print the names from the separate files, line by line into a single file. The program will ask the user for a desired name for the output file, but if none is given then the program will default to _output.txt.


Combine txt is written in Python 3.7

Crypto Tools

Click here to see the program on GitHub.


I’m studying Cryptography at the University of New Orleans, CSCI 4130. I developed a library to assist in the calculations used during the course.


– gcd(x, n)
– inverse(x, n, showTable=None)
– sq_mult(x, e, m)
– rsa(p, q, e, x)
– crt(p, q, e, y)


Takes in two parameters and returns the gcd (greatest common divisor) or those numbers.


Takes in two parameters, with an optional third parameter. When the function is given only two parameters it will return the inverse of the two numbers. When the third parameter is passed in it will return the full extended euclidean algorithm.


Takes in three parameters: a base value as an x, an exponent value as e, and a modulus value as m. The function first cycles through the exponent one bit at a time, showing the steps toward the final result. Then a visual display of the square and mult operations as the binary exponent is iterated through.


Takes in four parameters and calculates the encrypt and decrypt values for RSA encryption.


Takes in four parameters and calculates all of the different values for the CRT decryption.

Name List Editor 2.1

Download Link (EXE File):  Name List Editor 2.1
Download Link (JAR File):  Name List Editor 2.1
Click here to see the program on GitHub.
note: if you need Java you can download it here.


Name List Editor 2.1 retains the same look as v2.0, but has many new features to expand the functionality.


What’s new with 2.1


– Added “Add To Current List” under the “File” menu, which will append a new list to the currently open list.
– Added “Tools” to the top menu, with the feature to reset the original name list.
– Fixed the code on Space Invaders to allow for names of different lengths (ex. John Smith or John C. Smith Sr.).
– Added “Basket Case” tab, which allows the customizations of the wording case.
– Changed the button names on “Tabby Tab” to be more self explanatory.
– Added “Blank Tab Title” on Tabby Tab, which allows the insertion of a blank space before the title.
– Added “Badger Mode” tab, which allows the setup for an entire job on single line printing.
– Badger Mode gives the user the option of an infinite line, or specific amount of badges per line.

Name List Editor 2.0

Download Link:  Name List Editor 2.0
Click here to see the program on GitHub.
note: if you need Java you can download it here.


Name List Editor 2.0 retains the same functionality of it’s predecessor, version 1.0. Version 2.0 received a very much needed face lift as it was completed re-coded in Java FX. Java 8 or higher is needed in order to run this program, which you can download using the above link. As well as a fresh new look, I’ve added some new features to the program which I’ll highlight below.


What’s new with 2.0


– Completely re-coded in Java FX
– Added a split window for ease of comparing your old list to your new list
– Streamlined the notification alerts
– Added a new section for needed tab alignment

Name List Editor 1.0

Download Link:  Name List Editor 1.0
Click here to see the program on GitHub.
note: if you need Java you can download it here.


Name List Editor is my very first Java program that I’ve written aside from the typical “Hello World!” while going through beginner tutorials. Without having any Java classes yet my knowledge on the language is limited so I wrote this through the help of google, poking & prodding, and trial & error. So I know the program is rough around the edges but I plan to use it as a building tool to improve and further my learning.


About Name List Editor 1.0


I wrote this in an attempt to help my wife’s day to day easier at work. She works for a name badge company and her customers send in a name lists via text files, word docs, or written out in the body of an email. Quite frequently that name list will have an extra space or two either between the first & last name, or the at the beginning or end. When an extra space is inserted, it throws off the printing for the rest of the job and that is a pretty big mistake with several hundred names in a list. What the Name List Editor allows her to do is paste the name list from her customer into the text box and then either first analyze if the spaces are incorrect or an option to just remove; then follow prompts the user to save the corrected list.

Hello world!

Hello World!


My name is Chip Newman, and I’m embarking on the journey of one of my many dreams and returning to school later in life in order to pursue a degree in Computer Science to become a software developer. I’ve always been fascinated with computers, and technology in general, and I crave to learn more about what’s going on behind the scenes.


I have not taken any computer courses yet towards my Computer Science degree, but I have logged many many hours between tutorials and reading books on Java; mainly because I want to get a head start on my classes, and the fact that I know the best way to learn is to just dive in head first!


I plan to use this website as a portfolio for my projects and learn a little web development in the process 😉